Monday, July 7, 2014

Christmas in July...and Re-purposing

We are home again! We went to Cheyenne, WY to visit my sister and her family over the Fourth, and we feel so blessed to have been able to do so! Our getaway was filled with great family time, great food, and great fun! But the best part is that I talked my sister into coming back to North Dakota with me! Her and her two littles are hanging out with us Stewarts for the week. I used my Lydia's upcoming birthday party on Saturday as an excuse for her to come, and it worked! (This by the way is a great way to re-purpose! Going to visit your family, and then talking them into coming back with you. It wasn't what the trip was planned for, but wasn't it a great idea?)

I'm so thankful that my sister came, that I think I will add a note to our families' 2014 "thankful" jar. This jar was made on January 1st, 2014, after a really tough and strenuous year. Somehow, I knew God had big things planned for our family in 2014, and I wanted to remember it! So, I decided that what I would love to do on December 31st 2014, would be to read, remember and reminisce about what happened in 2014. I saved a jar, and asked my family to join in the fun.

Precious Scraps of Paper

I know that in there is a note thanking God for providing for us in our move, and for blessing Dave with his wonderful new job, but I don't remember at all what else is in there. It'll be like one more Christmas present on December 31st. I can't wait!

One more think I'm thankful for (on a very different note) is this:

Broccoli from My Garden

She tasted great with a little butter and seasoning! Woohoo!!!

More about our Fourth of July vacation to stay tuned! Thanks for stopping by. I'm thankful that you read my blog! Love, Amber

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