Sunday, September 21, 2014

Going the Distance

I did something I never thought I'd do this evening. I ran 9.16 miles. I am sore and tired, but so thankful I accomplished such a (for me) far distance. I run my 15k in just 2 weeks. And, God willing, I will finish it!

Before I ran, I checked out some good blogs to help me do my best. To see what I read, click here. After getting some positive mental reinforcement, I ate a banana, drank a lot of water and had some chia seeds. It helped me go the distance for sure! (That and prayer for my survival.)

Dave and the girls were a huge help to me on my jog tonight! They brought me water 3 times, and had a "survival pack" of facial tissues, chap-stick and tootsie rolls. The tissues were such a blessing half way through! But, the cheering and encouragement were the best. (I'm so thankful for them.)

And now, I'm ready to sleep! Running is exhausting, and my toes and feet hurt...and so does every other muscle in my body. --Please let me know if you have any good running tips. I'd love to hear them before my big race!

Thanks so much for reading my post this evening. Love yas, Amber