Friday, October 3, 2014

Hair Maintenance Tips

So, to go along with the post I wrote the day before yesterday, I will say again that cleaning is a never ending job. Being the one with the responsibility of keeping things at home in "tip-top" shape is exhausting, but somebody has to do it, right? And after all, that is why gaining tips from pinterest, magazines, blogs and books on how to manage or re-purspose all the duties is so very helpful in keeping things the way you dream they'd be.

On Monday, after Saige and got to attend story time at the library, I perused the non-fiction section while Saige "read" the books she was getting to check-out. Among other books, I grabbed one called, Vinegar, Duct Tape, Milk Jugs & More by Earl Proulx. I've found it is very interesting so far, and not only because it fits so well with the re-purposing topic I've been talking about on this blog lately. I will be sharing the tips I think are most important in the next few days, so you might want to stay tuned.

One that I liked: If you have been using the same shampoo for a while, and feel as though your hair may have some unwanted build up, poor a solution of 1 part vinegar and 1 part water on your hair after your next shampoo. Then rinse it out. (I haven't tried this yet, but I think it's genius.)

Another tip: Wash your hair brushes, they may be putting your own hair oils and other old products back in your hair. ---I love this one. As a re-purposing, frugal type person, I keep hair brushes for years! Who knows what all are in those things, especially after all the times they've been thrown in boxes because of moves and all. Maybe when my hair is looking a little flat, it's because I am putting oil and old husband gel in it when I brush my hair. My Mary Kay constultant, Emily, told me to wash my face brushes, so, why wouldn't I wash my hair brushes?

Any who, I hope this tip helped! Have a wonderful week, and have fun cleaning!

Love, Amber

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